18 May 2011

Let the games begin...


My name is Drew Murray, and I will be your host for this blog.

Some of you may already know where this blog is headed just by the title, but for those others out there allow me to explain.
This blog is about roleplaying games. Specifically, it's about the roles of the Players and the Dungeon/Games Masters playing these roleplaying games. Throughout, you will find (once we get this show on the road) hints and tips on roleplaying effectively as both a Player and a GM, friendly advice on how to construct a session and campaign, and general discussion on various topics.

My primary influence on this blog will be Extra Credits from The Escapist Magazine. Those guys rock, and provide a fresh way to look at their chosen medium for entertainment. I aim to do the same here for roleplaying games on the tabletop.

I'm going to make no excuses for what follows; it is a shameless plea for patience. I'm not an artist, although I see the benefits of having visual aids while describing things. You will find throughout this blog various images either taken from research or drawn by myself in MSPaint. They won't be works of art. I'm warning you now.

One of the last things I'm going to note here is that I'm aiming initially at the D20 gaming market. While my advice and ramblings will be of great benefit to players of other games systems, I'm afraid I'm going to be ignorant of most of your rulesets and most likely background material. I will accept any requests for help with particular problems, and I may even expand to cover more game systems in the future, but for now just assume that when I refer to a gaming term, it's in relation to the D20 system.

I think that's it! I'll hopefully be updating this weekly, and I'll be accepting any and all e-mail requests for topics at D20advice@live.co.uk.


  1. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits

    To see the kind of layout we're on about, and to see how awesome these guys are in their field and in general, visit the link above.

  2. Don't worry about having amazing pictures. Robyn must have shown you hyperboleandahalf?
